Pop up shops are a big part of what we do here at NaturalAnnie Essentials, and I'll be honest in saying I didn't always love it for two major reasons: 1. I am an introvert and it totally drains me, and 2. I hated having to lug around with heavy tables and displays for my booth.

 pop up shop candle booth displays

I quickly realized, pop up shops will be apart of our business for a very long time so I'd better get my introverted self ready for the ride, and figure out how I can make traveling to these shows easier. After scouring the web, Instagram, Google, Pinterest, you name it, I came across a company called Displays2Go and the bells in my head literally went off. You see, my brain works like this- if a table is being sold, I picture the table in a million different ways that I can possibly use it, every way possible except for what it was intended for (#thestruggleisreal)!

pop up shop candle booth displays 

Anyway, before stumbling upon this "heavenly place" I use to set up my booth with the usual tables, followed by the table cloths, then mounts to go on top of all that.  I hated it, simply because there were too many steps. When I came across these wooden shelves, I like that they were not a table, for one, they were different from what everyone else was using, and they came apart- the descriptions read "the unit is very quick and easy to assemble, requiring no tools or hardware! once I read that I was sold! ordered a few and was in love once they arrived.

Our booth display goals are simple, look beautiful, be inviting, be easy to navigate, and smell amazing! We didn't always have our setup down but we like where we are now and we have a way to go! check out the slide show below of how far we've come!

pop up shop candle booth displays

For all your trade shows, Farmers Market, or pop up shop needs, be sure to check out your one stop shop Displays2go for your booth displays. You may also use discount code: CANDLEANNIE for $20 Off Orders $200+
(coupon expires 12/31/23). 

Thank you for supporting NaturalAnnie Essentials! Enjoy $20 off your order.

pop up shop candle booth displays



naturalannie essentials pop up shop setup by naturalannie15

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